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Can cold hard cash relieve pain?

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We all know that money can help cure our financial ills, but new research shows that cold hard cash can alleviate our physical ailments too.

As crazy as it sounds, a US study has found that handling money can be an effective way of relieving pain and even preventing it, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

In tests conducted at the University of Minnesota, volunteers who handled money prior to taking part in experiments where they were subjected to low levels of pain, felt less discomfort than those who handled plain paper.

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The researchers hypothesised that handling cash could help stave off feelings of pain by boosting the self-worth and self-sufficiency of the subjects.

The study had people count out piles of notes consisting of 80 $100 bills, while others were just given 80 blank slips of paper — all were told that they were being tested for their dexterity in handling notes.

They were then asked to dip their hands in a bowl of hot water and questioned as to how painful they found it and were timed for how long they could withstand the heat.

Those who had handled the money reported less pain, according to the findings published in the journal Psychological Science.

The research follows previous studies which have linked a sense of self-worth with a greater ability to withstand pain.

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A team of scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that looking at a photograph of a loved one could act as an effective pain reliever and recommended people going into hospital take one to help deal with the pain, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

A separate study at Loyola University in Chicago showed that those recovering from major surgery could halve the amount of painkillers they needed by stroking a pet.

Your say: Do you think that pain is partly in the mind? Share your thoughts below.

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