Home Health

Calls for chiropractors to stay away from kids

Doctors and academics are making calls that chiropractors should be banned from treating children under the age of 17.

There have been strong calls for chiropractors to be banned from treating children under the age of 17.

The statement comes from a leading paediatrician, along with the news that GP paediatric referrals to chiropractors have grown by 83% in the past five years.

Dr Paul Bauert, head of paediatrics at Royal Darwin Hospital, told the ABC that chiropractors shouldn’t be treating children at all until the safety and effectiveness of their practices be proved, and that they should only be treating back problems.

However, some chiropractors seem to be pushing the envelope into new fields of health issues that they claim they can treat.

This has led to doctors and academics making calls that the regulating body – the Chiropractic Board – should be sacked, as they seem to be unable to rein in the chiropractors that are breaching regulations.

The body has also been accused of breaking advertising laws by making false claims about the benefits of treatments with no evidence to support it.

Despite an edict that refrains them from making these claims, they are still continuing to run chiropractic courses to treat conditions such as colic, reflux, persistent crying and tongue tie.

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