Home Health

Breakfast on the run

By Judy Davie

**”I’m always rushed in the mornings and often don’t have time for breakfast. Can you suggest a quick and healthy breakfast that I can eat on the run? I don’t have time to cook.”

— Amanda**

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and ideally we should all sit down to a long and leisurely breakfast providing more kilojoules than any other meal in the day. Given our lifestyles, however, this is rarely practical, especially since eating when we’re rushed and stressed is bad for the digestive system. The compromise is to find some quick and healthy choices to fill us up for most of the morning.

The five-star no-cook breakfast, in my opinion, is natural muesli (no added sugar) with fresh fruit and low-fat natural yoghurt. It’s a meal that has it all; fibre and low-GI carbohydrates from the whole grains; low-fat protein from the yoghurt; good fats from nuts and seeds; and antioxidants from the fruit. Yet while it may be quick to prepare, the whole grains make it a meal that takes time to eat, so if you are pushed for time you might be better packing your breakfast in an airtight container to enjoy once you get to work.

To tide you over before then, you could buy a small fresh juice, made from carrot, celery, ginger, beetroot and apple, en route to the office. While low in fibre, it will give you a quick energy boost, kick start the metabolism and provide some antioxidants to protect your system.

  • Wholegrain toast and tahini with tomato

  • Wholegrain toast and avocado with tomato

  • Wholegrain toast and cottage cheese with tomato and cucumber

  • Low-fat yoghurt smoothie with fruit and added fibre

  • Muffin

  • Commercial muesli bar

  • Turkish toast and vegemite or jam

  • White/wholemeal toast and jam

  • Large fresh juice (made from fruit only)

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