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Boot camp: nowhere to hide

This new exercise craze is taking off around the world, not just as an intensive 'get-in-shape' tool, but as a regular part of a training program. But what’s involved in this military take on physical activity?

This new exercise craze is taking off around the world, not just as an intensive ‘get-in-shape’ tool, but as a regular part of a training program. But what’s involved in this military take on physical activity?

What’s the difference?

Just like any other group activity or fitness class, boot camp, provides added motivation of working out with peers. But with boot camp there’s no slacking off at the back of the aerobic class, as your fitness instructor, aka drill sergeant, is there willing (screaming) you on at every turn.

Many boot camp programs also involve team building and adventure activities that push you mentally as well as physically. Chances are you’ll find a new depth of motivation if you’re last in line to finish your team’s commando course.

The other obvious difference is that it is based outdoors, so you’re likely to get a good dose of rain, hail, and if you’re lucky, sunshine. As a new recruit you’ll also be kept mentally active as you trial new equipment and activities for the first time.

What type of activities?

Fat loss and a top cardio workout are two of the main physical outcomes from boot camp activities. Types of activities range from sand jogging and hill training to wall climbs and log rolls. You may even be sent on an individual or group mission that involves a test of your brain (problem solving ability) and brawn (strength, stamina and endurance).

How do I enlist?

Some boot camp programs require a doctor’s certificate clearance before they’ll sign you up whereas others are tailored to cater for varying fitness levels. If the idea of pushing yourself beyond your normal limits is daunting, then maybe boot camp isn’t for you. But if you know you need to step in line, check out programs run in conjunction with your gym or a corporate package for your next work do.

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