Cold and flu season is here
We all know the horrendous symptoms, those sweats when you’re about to come down with THAT bug.
A runny nose, a cough, the pounding headache – yep, you’ve got a cold or the flu.
If you’re blessed (which we already know you’re not because you caught the flu), then you may be able to spend the weekend sleeping it off, but chances are you’re going to have to get up and go to work and look after the family.
Wouldn’t it be a dream if you could get rid of a cold and/or flu in 24 hours? A day or even less?
READ NEXT: Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine

Getting rid of a cold or flu in a day
Despite rumours to the contrary, it’s not possible to cure a cold or flu in 24 hours.
Chief Executive Officer of Immunisation CoalitionKim Sampson told Now to Love.
“With the exception perhaps a mild cold, if one feels the symptoms of a cold or flu, it is the body mounting an immune response. That process needs time to complete its work, and in the case of flu, it could take up to three weeks to fully recover. “
Sorry, but it looks like you’re going to need to take some of the sick leave, because it’s not possible to “cure” the flu.

“If one took antiviral medications early enough (less than 48 hours after feeling symptoms), it could reduce the duration of illness by a day to two. One can also load up on panadol, but that is relieving symptoms (such as head ache, muscle ache, etc.) rather than “curing” the illness,” Kim said.
Oh, and make sure you cancel those social plans for the week.
“It is also important to know that if you become infected with the influenza virus, you can begin shedding the virus (i.e. spreading the germs) before you begin to feel symptoms. The shedding then continues for up to a week (depending on the severity),” Kim revealed.
“That is why the best action is to stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids, and to rest until feeling better. There is no short cut!”
It’s still not too late to go and get that flu shot.

What’s in the flu shot?
The flu vaccines available in Australia are all made from highly purified egg-grown influenza viruses, which are then killed and broken up into tiny pieces.
Small amounts of preservative and stabiliser may be used, depending on the individual manufacturers production process.
When the vaccine is injected, the body is fooled into believing it has been invaded by the virus, and produces an immune response. This kind of inactivated vaccine cannot cause influenza in the recipient.
DISCLAIMER: This is in no way gives you any flu symptoms, people. Like, NONE.
I had the flu shot last year. Do I need to get it again this year?
You should get the flu shot every year because the flu virus is constantly changing.
Every year, the flu vaccine changes to match the flu virus that is anticipated to be circulating in the coming winter.
You can read more about the flu shot here