Home Health

Beat the afternoon slump

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We may not experience it every day of the week, but sometimes our motivation and energy levels can dwindle significantly in the hours after lunch.


It has a lot to do with the natural rhythms of our body – we have a biological tendency to hit an energy lull in the afternoon. But it’s also related to our diet – when our blood sugar drops after we have digested a meal it can make us feel tired and lethargic. The good news is that there are plenty of simple things you can do to beat the afternoon slump. Here are just a few of our favourites:

Eat well:

Start your day off with a good breakfast and eat a nutritious lunch – it really helps with the energy levels in the afternoon. Aim for foods that give you sustained energy. Try to have a wholegrain cereal with at least three grams of fibre per serve in the mornings, and for lunch try to have wholegrain bread with hummus spread and plenty of salad.

Get active:

Even if you only have 10 minutes, moving your body will make you feel more energetic. If you work in an office, go for a quick walk around the building or have a stretch and take some deep breaths at your desk. And, if you can, head out into the sunshine during your lunch break – the sun’s rays can help fight fatigue later in the day.

Make snacks count:

Before you reach for a cup of coffee, soft drink or a cup of tea to give you a boost – think about the dip in energy that will come after the short burst. When it comes to energy, it’s much better to snack on a dried fruit and nut mix with apple, apricot, banana chips, macadamias, walnuts and almonds, which will help with the energy levels throughout the entire afternoon. Fruit smoothies or a tub of yoghurt are also great choices.

Nap and sleep:

For the best way to beat the afternoon slump, researchers actually recommend a 15 minute power nap when you start feeling tired. Unfortunately for most of us this is not an option – but making sure you get enough shuteye in the evening is also a good way to help keep your eyes open in the afternoon. Try to get yourself into a routine of going to bed at a certain time each night and waking up around the same time each day.

This information is brought to you by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service. If you would like more information email [email protected]

Your Say: Do you get the afternoon slump? Tell us how you combat this below…

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