Home Health

Be breast-aware

To mark Breast Awareness month, the Cancer Council is reminding women to be more aware of their breasts so they will notice any changes.
Pink ribbon symbolizing breast cancer awareness on a white background.

To mark Breast Awareness month, the Cancer Council is reminding women to be more aware of their breasts so they will notice any changes. 1. Examine your breasts every month, a few days after your period, when they are least likely to feel lumpy or tender. 2. From time to time, take a good look at your breasts in the mirror so you get to know their shape, colour and size. 3. Feel your breasts regularly – it should only take a few minutes in the shower or while dressing or lying down. To examine them:

  • If you feel a change, ask your GP to check it out. Don’t panic, though. Nine out of 10 changes are not cancerous. Women aged 40 and older should have an annual physical breast examination from their doctor. Women aged 50 and older should also have two-yearly mammograms (free through BreastScreen Australia). Screen and Treatment Learn about breast cancer screening and treatment techniques in Australia. More information** For more information about any aspect of breast cancer, contact:

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