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Bare-chested men promote breast cancer self-checks

Bare-chested men promote breast cancer self-checks

A charity has devised a cheeky campaign to encourage women to regularly check their breasts for cancer. The idea is centred on a video and app that uses handsome, bare-chested men to get the important message across in a tongue-in-cheek and memorable way.

The free smartphone app, titled ‘Your Man Reminder’ lets users pick their favourite from a selection of male models to remind them to regularly check their breasts.

The video which promotes the app introduces some of the men on offer, who amusingly demonstrate the key points to remember when checking your breasts. The clip has already been viewed over two million times in the last few months.

The Canadian charity behind the campaign, Rethink Breast Cancer, found in recent studies that many young women aren’t checking their breasts regularly and that women are 88 percent more likely to watch a video if it features a really hot guy.

So, in the interest of health, watch the video at the top of this page and remember ‘TLC’ is a great way to help detect breast cancer early.

  • TOUCH your breasts. Feel anything unusual?

  • LOOK for changes. Be aware of their shape or texture.

  • CHECK anything unusual with your doctor.

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