Home Health


Anorexia is a serious condition. Recovery is difficult … without help almost impossible.

Anorexia nervosa is often referred to as the “slimmer’s disease”, an inadequate term as it fails to convey the serious and dangerous nature of the condition. The often-heard comment “I wish I could have anorexia for a while” betrays a profound misunderstanding of the hold this disorder has on its sufferers.

Anorexia nervosa is a terrible psychological and physical disorder that is potentially fatal. It is estimated that possibly up to 20 per cent of severe anorexia sufferers die from the disorder – most commonly by starvation, electrolyte abnormalities or suicide.

The vast majority of anorexia sufferers are teenage girls though it is found in all ages as well as in boys and men. Because it has such a powerful effect on the person’s thinking and behaviour, recovery is difficult even with help – and almost impossible without it.

Recovery is a difficult process that can take several months or even years. Some people do better than others. The sufferers who do best work with physicians and counsellors who help them resolve both the medical and psychological issues that contribute to, or result from, anorexia.

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