Home Health

Angie’s great golf adventure!


By Annette Campbell

Angie Innes, a 45-year-old mother-of-two from Sydney’s north-western suburbs, has a health and wellbeing message for all of us. “Have a hit of golf!” she smiles. “It’ll do you the world of good.”

Earlier this year, just before her 45th birthday, Angie made a list of things she wanted to do for herself. “I’ve always been doing things for my husband, our kids and work,” she says. “I never really did things just for me, so I thought ‘If it’s not now, it’ll be never’ and that maybe I’d burn-out otherwise.”

Close to the top of that list were golf lessons. “Just because I’m 45, it doesn’t mean I can’t try something new,” she shrugs. “And I’m so glad I went ahead and did it. I love it. I’ve learned something and am getting better at it.”

Angie and her husband Ian have been married for 25 years. They have a son, Matthew, 19, and a daughter, Jessica, 15, and run their own sales and marketing company. Over the years Angie had often thought about giving golf a go, so when the kids were older and she and Ian had started working for themselves, she decided the time was right. Along she went to a beginner’s course run by instructor Anne Rollo at a local club. And after only a couple of lessons, Angie was hooked!

“I really liked Anne and the other ladies — we all got on famously and laughed more than playing any golf,” she beams. “I was having a great time with some fun women. And after about six lessons, four of us decided to keep playing every fortnight.

“I must admit that when I first started, I did think all the walking might help me lose a little weight, but have I? No! Sure, I’m walking a lot more, but then we go and have lunch!

“But I’m doing this more for mental wellbeing anyway — the pure fun of it! I’m used to sitting every day at work and I’m absolutely not a gym-goer. So this is my relaxation; my little escape. It’s just so wonderful to be outside and away from telephones, in beautiful weather and on a lovely green golf course.”

Now Angie even has her own set of golf clubs, thanks to birthday and Mother’s Day gifts from her family. So there’s absolutely no stopping her.

“My game is improving and at the same time I feel I’m more relaxed as a person,” Angie explains.

Angie is now keen to encourage other women to take up something new — at any time of their lives 7#151; for the physical and mental benefits.

“You’ve just got to do it, whether it’s golf or something else,” she enthuses. “Make time for yourself. It doesn’t mean you love your family any less. But you need time with yourself and just to be with other women and have a laugh.”

For more info about golf, including hints and tips, visit Anne Rollo’s website:


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