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Introducing the new beauty elixir: Aloe vera juice

Coconut water is so last year. Now, it’s all about aloe.
Aloe Vera

We’ve long been using aloe vera as a way to treat burns externally from the harsh Australian sun, but what you perhaps don’t know are the many ways this hydrating plant can actually heal your body from the inside out.

“Aloe Vera is renowned as a ’heal-all’ that is good for many conditions, both internal and external,” says Sebastian Pole, herbalism expert and co-founder of Pukka Herbs.

“It is a great rejuvenator and can help in some of life’s big transitions, from cleansing teenage skin to cooling menopausal hot flushes and soothing dryness.”

Evidence suggest that aloe vera has been used as a beauty aid for over 5,000 years, dating all the way back to early Egyptian times, but in case you needed some more convincing to pick up aloe juice instead of coconut water next time you stop by the supermarket, here are three other beatifying benefits.

What do these two stars have in common? They both swear by aloe vera juice!

A natural way to detox

Aloe Vera juice is one of Hollywood’s best pre-red carpet detox secrets for its cleansing and slimming effects. Stars like Nicki Minaj and Alicia Keys have both raved about the benefits of the hydrating liquid in the past, crediting the necessary amino acids, vitamins and minerals as the secret to their youthful skin and glow.

Improve digestion

The consumption of aloe has been known to cleanse and soothe the digestive tract. It’s a great natural remedy for those who suffer from IBS, and can help eliminate the amount of ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut.

Aloe Vera doesn’t just heal skin from the outside, in.

Feed your skin and hair from the inside

As an anti-inflammatory, aloe vera juice has a cooling effect that can help to aid acne and redness from the inside out, while the abundance of vitamins and enzymes help to promote natural hair and nail strength.

Find out more about the amazing health benefits of aloe vera in the video player below!

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