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“I’d probably have died!” Adele reveals her shocking health scare

When you get paid millions of dollars to belt out hit songs, kicking your smoking habit is definitely a good idea.
Adele Adkins

Adele may have completely overhauled her lifestyle but it took some serious soul-searching after she revealed how dangerous her pack-a-day smoking habit was.


“If I’d carried on smoking, I’d probably have died from a smoking-related illness, and I think that’s really bad,” the 27-year-old told The Daily Mirror about her former habit.

“If I was dying from lung cancer, I would have potentially given it to myself, and that wouldn’t be something I’d be proud of,” she added.

The Hello hitmaker, who underwent throat surgery in 2011, revealed she used to smoke an average of 25 cigarettes per day.

Doctors advised her that if she didn’t quit smoking immediately she would have to say goodbye to her a career, which has since broken every imaginable music record.

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But there was also another much more important reason the mum-of-one gave up smoking, she of course wanted to live a long and full life for her three-year-old son Angelo.

“I absolutely loved it, but it’s not that f—ing cool when I’m dying from a smoking-related illness and my kid is, like, devastated,” she told The Rolling Stone in October.

Flaws and all, we love you Adele!


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