Home Health

A new new year’s resolution

By Judy Davie

For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au

This year I will lose weight

How many times have you said you’re going to lose weight and don’t?

This year why don’t you reframe your thinking to achieve the same result? Instead of saying, “This year I’m going to lose weight,” say:

This year I am going to become healthy by improving my diet and exercising.

With regular exercise and a healthy diet your body should default to its natural weight. What’s important is reprogramming your thinking to accept that a healthy diet and regular exercise is normal. When you consider how our ancestors ate and how they lived, you would have to accept that it is normal to eat fresh natural produce in season and be physically active. In the days where there was no refrigeration, limited transport and infinitely less food processing, our ancestors ate local produce and less of it, and walked, cycled or took some form of public transport to get it.

Neither did they have so many labour-saving appliances. Washing was done manually, and hung out to dry; TV channels were changed with someone physically getting up and switching it over; and stairs were climbed to get to other levels in shops, offices and apartment buildings.

While I’m not suggesting you throw out the washing machine and disconnect the lift, I am saying that even though our lifestyle today makes it hard to be physically active, you have to work out how to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life because your body demands it.

Whatever you do, consider it essential to good health and do it!

When it comes to food, many of us are truly misinformed about what comprises a healthy diet. Unless you have a particular allergy or intolerance to foods, here is the definitive guide to what you should be eating.

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