Home Health

60 weight-loss tips from the Food Coach!

Judy Davie
  1. Get up half an hour earlier than normal and take a brisk walk.

  2. Only ever eat when you are sitting down at a table.

  3. Allow yourself 2 small treats a week.

  4. Have vegetables with every main meal.

  5. Eat 2 pieces of fruit every day.

  6. Eat wholegrains, wholegrains, wholegrains!

  7. Experiment with new recipes.

  8. Bake instead of buying.

  9. Don’t buy fat-free — eat good fat.

  10. Whenever you read “low in fat” on products check how much sugar is in it.

  11. Sprinkle cinnamon on food to help regulate sugar levels.

  12. Fresh juice with veggies not fruit.

  13. Find an exercise buddy for motivation.

  14. Don’t drive when you can walk.

  15. Protein increases satiety and helps you to eat less.

  16. Use chilli to boost the metabolism.

  17. Low fat dairy aids weight loss.

  18. Add mushrooms to your meals for satiety.

  19. Allow 3 hours after eating before going to bed.

  20. Eat fruit instead of fruit juice.

  21. A tablespoon of flaxseed oil each day may help boost the metabolism.

  22. Eat at least 4 times a day.

  23. Take your plate off the table and wash it to avoid the temptation of second helpings.

  24. Buy lean meat and trim off excess fat.

  25. Make portion sizes of meat no larger than your palm.

  26. Use herbs and spices for flavour.

  27. Don’t pick at the kids’ food.

  28. Find something else to do instead of eating if you’re tempted for a snack.

  29. Cover half your dinner plate with veggies.

  30. Cover a quarter of your plate with good carbs.

  31. Cover a quarter of your plate with lean protein.

  32. Read the Labels on food packets.

  33. Make sure the saturated fat content is less than one third the total fat content.

  34. Read the ingredient list on packaged food and avoid products with added sugar.

  35. If you’re tempted for something sweet brush your teeth.

  36. Drink water when you feel hungry in-between meals.

  37. If you’re out for dinner and want a dessert — share one with your companion and eat no more than 3 spoonfuls.

  38. Avoid soft drinks altogether.

  39. Only buy regular sized coffees.

  40. Freeze grapes or watermelon pieces for a healthy ice-lolly alternative.

  41. Cut out processed carbohydrate.

  42. Snack on 10 raw almonds mid afternoon.

  43. Increase muscle by weight training — It’ll help burn more kilojoules.

  44. Sip warm water and lemon juice through a straw first thing in the morning to boost the metabolism.

  45. A health grill is a good investment to reduce kilojoules from cooking oil.

  46. Cut down the number of hours you spend sitting on your bottom.

  47. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

  48. Alcohol is a waste of calories — cut down or out.

  49. Plan and prepare your own meals.

  50. Fast food is a fast way to weight gain — avoid it.

  51. Always order salad and/or veggies when dining out.

  52. Boost weight loss with calcium rich foods.

  53. Eat protein at every meal.

  54. Buy an omelette pan — eggs are a excellent quick and easy complete meal.

  55. Make a delicious fizzy cocktail with sparkling mineral water mixed with cut pieces of fresh fruit.

  56. Take your own healthy snacks if you’re going out all day.

  57. Cook with coconut oil to boost the metabolism.

  58. Include fresh fish for Omega-3 to help burn off stored fat.

  59. Green tea is a great detoxifier and boost the metabolism.

  60. Fibre, fibre, fibre — every meal, every day!

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