Home Health

5 ways to clear the air


Stuffy, allergen-laden indoor air can drain both your energy and your spirits. These tips will help you breathe easy at home:

1. Keep the air moving

Use bathroom and kitchen fans to keep air moving. If your fans are noisy, look into inexpensive new models that are much quieter.

2. Consider getting rid of carpets

Older carpets will eventually stop emitting fumes, but even regular vacuuming won’t be able to collect all the dirt, dust and microorganisms in them. Cork, hardwood and bamboo are good alternatives.

3. Upgrade your vacuum cleaner

Upgrade to a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate arrestance) filter which collects even microscopic dust mite droppings.

4. Replace filters

Replace filters in any air-handling system regularly; retrofit airconditioning systems with a HEPA filter to trap pollutants.

5. Be clean and green

Conventional cleaning products can be loaded with chemicals. Try this inexpensive recipe for an all-purpose cleaner: Mix ½ teaspoon washing soda (in laundry section of your supermarket) with 2 teaspoons borax, a tablespoon of liquid soap and 2 cups of hot water in a spray bottle. Shake, spray, and wipe clean with a sponge.

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