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11-year-old boy undergoes mastectomy

But he tells girls he got his scars from a shark bite!

11-year-old Lewis Deakin from Manchester, England, suffers from a rare condition which causes him to grow benign tumours, resulting in him undergoing a mastectomy.

Lewis recently underwent the mastectomy to remove his right pectoral muscle at Birmingham Children’s Hopsital, The Telegraph reports.

However, he hasn’t let his condition dampen his spirits, telling his friends at school that his operation scar is actually a shark bite!

“I would just crumble if it was me but Lewis is really good,” his mother Victoria told The Telegraph.

“It was a really big lump on his chest and it even stretched out his clothes. One teacher thought he had a beanbag up is top.”

“He is the only child in the country that has had a mastectomy. As he gets bigger they will be able to reconstruct his chest.”

“He was a bit daunted by it all at first and he wouldn’t show anyone the scar. But now he tells all the girls at school ‘I’ve been bitten by a shark’. He says it’s a real pulling machine!”

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