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10 food switches your waistline will love this winter

These cold weather comfort foods are low in calories, hearty and healthy. Result!

Between the uninviting weather outside, cravings for comfort food and a desire to lounge around and hibernate for the foreseeable future, it’s clear to see how winter weight gain can happen.

But, if you make a few simple switches to your routine now, you’ll sail through the season looking and feeling great.

We’ve scoured the shelves to find the 10 food swaps that your waistline will love this winter.

Switch one: Change potato for sweet potato

Higher in fibre and vitamins A and C, sweet potato is more desirable that Desiree (we couldn’t resist) when it comes to selecting a spud. They contain fewer calories and carbs overall making them a healthy and nutritious option for hot chips, roast potatoes, shepherd’s pie, soup and baked potato.

Switch two: Pick peppermint tea over hot chocolate

If you’re looking for a winter warming drink, make it a peppermint tea instead of an (admittedly delicious) hot chocolate. Herbal teas, such as peppermint, are far friendlier to the waistline, containing just one to two calories per serve, as opposed to hot chocolate’s 77 calories. Sold.

Switch three: Stick with salads, just make ‘em warm

Summer salads needn’t be packed away with your swimsuits. Just make them fit for winter. An easy one that works as a hot lunch or side dish for dinner is a roasted vegetable salad. Bake some squash, sweet potato, red onion, Brussels, kale and beetroot. Then throw together and drizzle with olive oil.

Switch four: Snack on popcorn, not chips

Winter sees the return of our favourite TV families, which calls for snacks. Instead of working your way through a bag of chips (and 956 calories) per episode, pick at some plain, air-popped popcorn (that clocks in at just 31 calories) whilst you check out the latest pursuits of the Proudmans.

Switch five: Pass over pasta for zucchini noodles

Pasta meals are quick and easy after a long day. But, one small change you can make is to switch the pasta base for zucchini noodles. You’ll save yourself around 114 calories per serve. Plus it’s easy to do on the cheese grater if you don’t have a fancy spiraliser. Spag bol with a twist coming right up.

Switch six: Go for poached pears instead of chocolate

Satisfy your sweet tooth with poached pears. They’re rich in fibre, vitamin C and folic acid making them a nutritious treat, particularly for pregnant women. Yes, fruit contains natural sugar, but it also has a higher nutritional value than chocolate. Disclaimer: we still eat chocolate. Just not every day!

Switch seven: Choose chili over a pot pie

Looking for a winter dinner that’s hot, hearty and low on calories? Go for chili con carne. The classic, low-fat dish features about half the calories that a traditional pot pie does. The meal is also high in vitamin A, iron and vitamin B12; plus, if you serve it with brown rice, you’ll get extra brownie points.

Switch eight: Pick porridge over cereal

Breakfast cereal is a secret calorie hoarder, you know. An average bowl contains a huge 379 calories. Porridge, on the other hand, only features 50 calories. Harvard University has also said that it’s the key to a healthy heart. Plus, it’s delicious and warm and welcoming on a dark, grey wintery morning.

Switch nine: Opt for kiwi fruits, not oranges

Cold and flu season has us all desperately topping up our vitamin C levels in a bid to ward off the sniffles. But you might be surprised to learn that one kiwi fruit gives you more than twice your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, making it a more powerful protector than oranges.

Switch 10: Trade in instant mash for cauliflower mash

Instant mash has its time-saving place, but at 97 calories per serve, it’s not exactly waist-friendly. Cauliflower mash by comparison is just as delicious and far more healthy and nutritious. Steam or boil it as you usually would, then mash and serve, keeping butter, milk and cream to a minimum.

Brought to you by ALDI. Take the Supermarket Switch Challenge today and discover high quality groceries at everyday low prices.

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