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Home and Away: Willows’ behind bars this week after risking her freedom to help Dean

The bikie babe confesses
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Struggling with the guilt of her crimes, Willow makes a bold confession to the police.

But with Dean’s trial only days away, it could be too late. Even worse, they both could end up in jail!

In this week’s explosive episodes of Home And Away, Willow (Sarah Roberts) discreetly visits Colby at the police station and asks him to take a statement about the break-in at Salt.

Torn between his loyalty and commitment to the job, the policeman attempts to outline the consequences of what his friend is about to do.

But Willow holds firm and walks into the interview room.

A guilt-ridden Willow decides she can’t let Dean take the blame for her crimes.

“Willow ends up coming clean,” Sarah says.

“She’s ashamed and can’t stand doing wrong by anyone else – especially to the friends she’s made in Summer Bay. They don’t deserve to have their money stolen.”

Meanwhile, at the Morgan household, Dean (Patrick O’Connor) arrives in a panic. He senses Willow’s guilt will cause her to gamble and urges Justin (James Stewart) to find her.

Together, they search Summer Bay. But time has run out…

Back at the station, the bikie babe confesses everything, from her gambling addiction to credit card skimming and the accidental assault on Alf (Ray Meagher) during the break-in at Salt.

She insists Dean shouldn’t take the fall and is charged on the spot.

Justin comforts his girlfriend as she faces the prospect of being behind bars for a long time.

It is a brave move on Willow’s part, considering the breakdown of her and Dean’s relationship directly after the break-in.

“It’s too complicated,” Sarah explains. “She doesn’t want to have a guilty conscience anymore.”

Later, Justin arrives at the police station to find a teary Willow in a cell. Colby informs him that she and Dean are both facing jail time.

How will they get out of this mess?

Home and Away airs Monday to Thursday at 7pm on Channel Seven.

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