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Wentworth’s Lou and Judy hatch a plan that will bring the prison to its knees

What are Lou and Judy planning together?
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Two of Wentworth‘s most dangerous prisoners – and most unlikely allies – Lou Kelly and Judy Bryant, are making secret plans in Wentworth this week. What are the pair up to?

You might think Top Dog Lou (Kate Box) would have it in for terrorist and hacker Judy (Vivienne Awosoga), given she knows Judy stole the money set aside for her partner Reb Keane’s (Zoe Terakes) surgery.

The fact that Reb is now dead would add further fuel to Lou’s fire.

Yet this week, the two are having hushed conversations. We won’t spoil what they’re discussing, but we can tell you it’s something so big it could bring the prison to its knees.

Ultimately their plan leads to a shocking discovery by guard Linda Miles (Jacquie Brennan).

(Image: Foxtel)

Meanwhile, wily Joan “The Freak” Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) convinces Eve Wilder (Tina Bursill) to make a move on the object of her affection, guard Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry).

Ultimately, it leads to a shocking discovery by fellow guard Linda Miles (Jacquie Brennan). And we can tell you that one character’s life will be changed forever.

Ever since she arrived in Wentworth, Jake has been kind to Eve, drawing on her skills as a nanny for advice on how to deal with baby Grace. But Eve appears to have taken his attention the wrong way.

“Eve is flattered [by the attention],” Tina, 70, tells TV WEEK.

Two of Wentworth‘s most dangerous prisoners – and most unlikely allies – Lou Kelly and Judy Bryant, are making secret plans in Wentworth this week.

(Image: Foxtel)

“You only have to give her crumbs of love and she responds to it.”

Joan keeps feeding Eve lies about Jake, manipulating her into thinking he wants to take things further.

“He wants to get you alone in the conjugal room,” a sly Joan says.

Eve, who we know is a fantasist with a dark past, sets the mood in the room with some romantic lighting. And just as Jake arrives, she launches herself at the prison officer.

You’ll have to watch to find out what happens, but things do take a surprising turn. While Eve may seem like the sweet nanny on the surface, there’s more to this character than you might think.

“Betray her and she will seek her own justice,” Tina warns of Eve.

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