There have been many moving moments at the TV WEEK Logie Awards. However, there are some moments that still give us the giggles today.
Here are five of the funniest laugh-out-loud moments from the TV WEEK Logies over the years.
Mr G takes the stage
The hilarious character of Mr G (Chris Lilley) from Summer Heights High, came to life at the 2008 Logie Awards.
His elaborate performance showcased hit songs that featured in the series.

Mr G took to the stage during the 2008 TV WEEK Logie Awards.
Julia Morris’ mix-up
While presenting the award for Outstanding Entertainment Program in 2015, Julia announced the winner without reading any of the nominees first. Whoops!
Of course, she handled the mistake like a total pro.

“My bad!”
Shane leaves Asher red-faced
Asher Keddie was left mortified in 2015 when Shane Jacobson decided to play a video of her dancing as a child.
While Asher wanted it to end immediately, we couldn’t get enough!

Asher couldn’t believe her eyes!
Hamish & Andy’s rose ceremony
At the 2015 Logie Awards, Hamish Blake and Andy Lee performed their very own version of the rose ceremony from The Bachelor, to present the Logie for Most Popular Reality Show.
Andy’s Osher impression could not have been more spot-on!

“Sonia Kruger, please accept this rose.”
Julia’s impromptu performance
Shane Jacobson struck again when interviewing the Gold Logie Nominees in 2016, finding a video of Julia Morris’ first-ever TV performance.
The 1985 video showed the star singing a rendition of “Holding Out For A Hero”. She later performed a hilarious encore live in stage!

Who needs a hero when we have Julia?