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She’s back! Our top 5 theories about Fake Dee’s return on Neighbours

Will the real Dee please stand up?
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It’s the Neighbours storyline that keeps on giving. Madeleine West’s surprise appearance in the season finale and 2018 return episode has fans wondering what the heck is going on.

Fifteen years ago, Madeleine’s character Dee Bliss disappeared without a trace. She had just married Toadie (Ryan Moloney) and the pair were driving to their honeymoon when their car went over a cliff. Toadie survived and made it back to shore but Dee’s body was never found.

Then, last year a woman named Andrea pretended to be Dee and swindled Toadie out of his money. And just when Toadie and Sonya (Eve Morey) thought all their troubles were over Dee/fake Dee arrived in a taxi to secretly watch Toadie and Sonya renew their vows.

But which woman was it? Could Andrea be back to cause more trouble or is Dee actually alive?

Here are our top five theories:

It’s actually Dee this time

The woman in the taxi looked rather nostalgic watching Toadie and Sonya renew their vows. You could even go so far as to say she was disappointed by what she saw. And who is far more likely to be sad that Toadie has moved on with his life – Dee. But would she be back to reclaim Toadie or just get closure?

Andrea gave birth to Toadie’s baby**

Who could forget the moment Toadie slept with Andrea as Sonya watched on via video chat? That scandalous moment was more than nine months ago. So if the fling led to a pregnancy Andrea could be back to introduce Toadie to their baby. Plus, there’s also the cryptic Instagram pic that Madeleine posted back in June (see above!).

WATCH: Toadie and Dee have a car accident after wedding (story continues after video)

Andrea wants payback

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She didn’t win over Toadie but her daughter Willow did. Toadie and Willow have formed such a tight bond that the teen returned for Toadie and Sonya’s wedding. That’s despite Willow moving away to be with her biological dad. Andrea would be furious that the one person who always stuck by her side has moved on without her. Could Andrea want revenge for Toadie driving a wedge in her tiny family?

They’re twins

In a classic soap opera move Dee and Andrea could have been twins separated at birth. They are identical after all. The women may have finally reunited giving Andrea the chance to tell Dee everything Toadie’s been up to. Could this mean double trouble for Toadie?

Dee is still out there

The woman who sat on a park bench “thinking about old times” last year has Dee vibes. Her wavy hair and flowy boho clothes hark back Dee’s wedding ensemble – minus the flower crown. There was something sweet and innocent about this woman as opposed to the cold and calculating Andrea. So she could be the real deal but is she the woman in the taxi?

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