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The golden rules of social media, according to Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian has just given a talk at, of all places, a tech conference, in which she has imparted some of her extensive wisdom in the matters of all things social media.

Kim Kardashian has just given a talk at, of all places, a tech conference, in which she has imparted some of her extensive wisdom in the matters of all things social media.

Kim Kardashian has just given a talk at, of all places, a tech conference, in which she has imparted some of her extensive wisdom in the matters of all things social media.

Kim is well-known as the queen of the selfie and of oversharing, but who would have thought that there is a strict science behind how she digitally shares her life?

Kim Kardashian made Aussie fan re-take “too revealing” selfie! 

Apparently there is indeed a method behind the madness though, as Kim revealed during an onstage Q and A session at Recode’s Code/Mobile tech conference in San Francisco.

Amongst the golden rules of Instagram that she revealed, Kim said that she has a personal rule “not to post more than three pictures of herself in a row because it over-saturates the feed.”

Hmm…we’re not sure that she has been sticking to that one all that strictly!

Kim Kardashian takes BUTT selfie on TV 

Believe it or not, she also admitted that she was concerned her career is “very over-exposed” and says that’s why chose to focus her energy on the Kim Kardashian Hollywood game that is currently netting her bucketloads of cash, instead of attending every party and event that she gets an invite to.

Click through the gallery to read the rest of Kim’s tech insights.

Kim is well-known as the queen of the selfie and of oversharing, but who would have thought that there is a strict science behind how she digitally shares her life?

Apparently there is indeed a method behind the madness though, as Kim revealed during an onstage Q and A session at Recode’s Code/Mobile tech conference in San Francisco.

Kim Kardashian says that Instagram is the best of all the social networks: “It’s intimate. It has a little bit more texture than just words.’

She also says that she uses Twitter as her Google: “Twitter really became my form of Google — I would just get on Twitter and say, ‘Does anyone know where to go eat in this city?’ … It’s just an amazing focus group.”

Amongst the golden rules of Instagram that she revealed, Kim said that she has a personal rule “not to post more than three pictures of herself in a row because it over-saturates the feed.”

Hmm….we’re not sure that she has been sticking to that rule all that strictly!

In fact, Kim is kind of renowned for her ability to take a selfie anytime, anyplace.

Kim talked about her Kim Kardashian Hollywood game that is currently netting her bucketloads of cash, and how she chose to focus her energy on that instead of attending every party and event that she gets an invite to. Believe it or not, that came from concerns that her career was “very over-exposed”.

Kim talked about how they worked the outfits that she wore in real life into the game and that lead it to really take off.

Kim posted this snap of herself with some larger-than-life versions of her digital avatars, captioned: “Visiting the Glu Mobile offices today! Working on some new exciting things! #KimKardashianHollywood”

When asked what’s next for her in the tech world, Kim said that they’re working on some future games that are “a little bit different.” So it looks as though she’s not about to seperate herself from the world of mobile technology anytime soon!

Kim said: “I think people want to vicariously live through what they feel like our lives should be, and then they feel a strong bond with it. You can just feel it, we’re so open and each and every one of us is that way … I can’t answer why me, and not someone else.”

Surprisingly though, Kim did admit to concerns about oversharing, and says that she sets limits and boundaries about what she would share about her children. She said: “I’ve made mistakes and I think, overshared in the past…” We guess nobody’s perfect! Not even Kim!

Despite being able to afford any kind of technology she wants, Kim admits to still using an old model of Blackberry that is no longer in production. The reason why, she explained, is to type out angry emails!

Kim says that she has to go on eBay to source the old model of phone and uses them until they break: “I have anxiety that I will run out, and that BlackBerry will go extinct … I’m on a mission to make that not happen.”

Kim also said that she had a problems in the past when her followers thought that she was being paid to spruik a product but actually she was just posting about something that she likes.

If you do want Kim to promote something of yours on social media? Well she said that she limits it to no more than one post a month (per product presumably!) and it will probably set you back over $10,000!

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