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Ronnie and Georgia reveal that their bodies shutdown after filming The Block

It was a grueling race to the finish line for Ronnie and Georgia.
Ronnie and Georgia Caceres

They might be the most experienced renovators ever to compete on The Block.

But even Perth property flippers Ronnie and Georgia admit 12 weeks of intense labour had them at breaking point.

“You’re on the go 24/7, stressed and you don’t have time to eat,” Georgia, 33, explains. “The minute you stop, your body crashes.”

Chatting to TV WEEK, clothing designer Georgia admits both she and handyman Ronnie have struggled since work on 
The Block wrapped up.

“We both got really sick,” she reveals. “Once we got home, our bodies went 
into shutdown mode.”

Georgia says they both lost weight during filming.

“Ronnie lost eight kilos and I lost a couple too,” 
she adds.

Despite their smiles, the couple admit being on the show took a toll on their health.

“It’s amazing how your body adjusts to a new level of sleep and stress. Three weeks in, we got used to it.”

Unlike other contestants, the married couple say they knew getting some shut-eye each night would be crucial to their success.

“Some of the other teams would go to the pub or out for dinner, but we’d go to bed early and get up early,” Georgia says. “We did about 
five all-nighters.”

The competitive mother-of-two says she and Ronnie held nothing back in their attempt to win $100,000.

“We’re really proud of 
our efforts,” she grins.

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