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Bachelorette star Jarrod’s ex dumped him for being clingy

Surprise, surprise!
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After a strong start – scoring the coveted first single date with Sophie Monk, no less! – Jarrod has cemented his position as The Bachelorette’s resident crazy.

It may seem like the vineyard manager has gone from zero to 100 awfully fast, but here at TV WEEK we got a clue before the show even started that the 31-year-old might be a tad clingy.

The Victorian native told us that his last relationship actually ended because he was too intense.

“I was with my last girlfriend for a year. It ended because I was getting too attached,” he confessed to TV WEEK.

Colour us shocked!

“She wasn’t ready to settle down as she was very work-driven,” he added.

We saw “overly attached Jarrod” in all his glory in the third episode, as he spent most of his screen time telling all the other guys why he is Sophie’s one true love and perfect match, which they weren’t too fussed on.

Hmm, wonder why?!

Their reluctance to see his point only made Jarrod get even more intense, and his jealousy over Sam’s “double delight” rose (and the two dates he scored with Sophie) led to him confronting the easy-going voice over artist.

“You don’t understand. If I fall for a girl, I’m a bull at the gate. I’m through that fence. I want to break down that electric fence,” he told a baffled Sam at the cocktail party.

“So if guys are there and they’re the gate, I will try and get my way through.”

Maybe his ex-girlfriend wasn’t into bulls!

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