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The Bachelor’s Michelle and Jen apparently CAN’T STAND each other – and Jen tells us why

Things aren’t so rosy between these two Bachie babes...
The Bachelor's Jen and Michelle

The first episode of The Bachelor has come and gone. And while there’s a new hottie in town – hello, Matty J! – one thing remains the same… the drama!

Yep, from catfights to name-calling, there was enough to keep us gossiping at the watercooler all day.

But the main topic of conversation? The Bachie mansion’s new resident villain Jen Hawke. Yep, step aside Keira Maguire!

The marketing manager certainly had the sass dialled up and managed to ruffle more than a few feathers, namely those of policewoman Michelle Paxton.

The new villain Jen chatting with the girls.

“Honestly, Michelle and I did not click on the first night,” Jen reveals exclusively to NW, adding that she wasn’t too happy about Michelle snagging Matty’s coveted first rose at the cocktail party.

“When Matty grabbed that rose and walked around the pool and made his way to the cabana, Michelle was actually whispering to me ‘Oh my god, you’re getting it, you’re getting it, you’re getting it’,” Jen reveals to NW.

“And I’m like yeah I can’t believe I’m getting this rose. And then he gives it to Michelle. So I was just shocked, I was like are kidding me?” Ouch!

Michelle with the now-infamous rose…

Of course, it’s not all one-sided, as Michelle wasn’t afraid to let Jen know what she really thought of her either.

“After the first night, Jen came up to me off camera and straight out said, ‘Some girls are saying you think I’m a bitch and that you hate me’. Do you?” Michelle said. “I gave my honest answer of, ‘You were rude, so yes I think you’re a bitch and I don’t like you.'”

Yikes! Let’s hope Jen never ends up on the wrong side of the law…

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