With his rock-hard abs and dreamy eyes, it’s not exactly hard to imagine falling in love with The Bachelor Australia’s Matthew “Matty J” Johnson.
But that is exactly what has happened to Bondi babe, Laura Byrne.
So far, she has only been on one single date with the hunky Bachelor, but that’s all it took to know that there was definitely chemistry there.
“I think, at this point, I was probably thinking I was already falling in love with him,” Laura, 31, told NW exclusively before her second single date.
However, the Bachie babe is reluctant to tell Matty exactly how she feels. “I’m still pretty guarded, because there are still too many people in the house to be that open,” she confessed.
“I’m not the only one that he makes feel really special.”
Awww! We checked in with the jewellery designer leading into her second date with the hunk.

Matty and Laura definitely have chemistry!
How are you feeling right now? Tara and Elora have had two dates each with Matty, and now it’s your turn…
I guess. I don’t know if what we have is stronger than what someone else has with him because I’m only basing it on the way I feel.
He is not saying anything to me, because he can’t give me any affirmation, whereas it is my responsibility to give him that affirmation and tell him how I’m feeling – which is very one-sided and kind of leaves you out on a limb.
Even though Matty can’t tell you how he’s feeling because of the other girls, do you feel that he likes you back?
Well, I mean, of course I know that he likes me – he very much makes me feel like I am special to him.
But in the real world, you definitely do get that confirmation. Here, he can’t tell you how he feels. He can not say, “I love you,” or, “I want to be with you.” He just can’t say any of those things!

Matty swept Laura off her feet on the single date.
It must be difficult and even more so now that you’re watching him make connections with the other girls on TV. What’s that like?
It doesn’t make me feel good…
A lot of the girls have said that Elise is pretty much perfect for him. How does that sit with you, considering how strong your feelings for him are?
Well, I don’t think Matty and Elise have spent too much time together up until this point. I mean, they spoke at cocktail parties, but you don’t get that much time to be intimate.
I guess I hadn’t seen their connection. I do think they have so much in common. Elise is a really kind and beautiful girl and because she is a little quiet, he didn’t see that at the start.
To find out more about what Laura thinks of her competition, pick up this week’s issue of NW, on stands now