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In her shoes: What a typical day looks like for Sylvia Jeffreys

Today newsreader Sylvia Jeffreys gives us an insight into her life, both on and off screen.
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When Sylvia Jeffreys describes a typical day in her life, one word comes to mind: busy.

The stunning news presenter rises before dawn each day to deliver the latest headlines on Today.

But when she’s not reading the news, Sylvia is flat out organising campaigns for Youngcare – a charity that raises money for young people with high-care needs. The 31-year-old tells TV WEEK she’s “truly passionate” about the work she does for the charity.

Occasionally, though, Sylvia does get some downtime. That’s when she turns to three things – friends, family and hubby Peter Stefanovic.

Here, Sylvia shares what life is really like as one of the country’s most popular media personalities.

Early starts

“It’s a supercharged process, which begins with my first alarm at 3.15am. I always set a back-up alarm for 3.17am – in case I drift back into a deep sleep. But once my feet hit the ground, it’s a fast-paced journey from bed to shower to kitchen to car. And I’m usually on the road by 3.50am.”


“It’s always been my favourite and most savoured meal of the day. Most mornings I have porridge with banana and cinnamon, or an omelette with spinach and mushrooms.”

WATCH: Lisa Wilkinson and Sylvia show their on-set brekkie (story continues after video)

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Heading to work

“I time my drive to work around radio news bulletins. I get in the car at about 3.50am, which means I’ll catch the 4am bulletin as I drive. Then I roll through the Channel Nine gates at about 4.03am.”

Checking text messages and social media

“I do all of the above more often than is required or justified. I wish I replied to emails with the same efficiency.”

Getting work done

“I work out of a studio for three-and-a-half hours of the day. But the rest of my work is done in dressing rooms, make-up chairs, on shoot locations and at Youngcare events. My most productive emailing sessions are done in Ubers, taxis and planes.”


“It’s either a big, bulky salad at home or whatever I can grab on the go. I try to squeeze in a workout between the show and lunch every day, so I’m usually ravenous by midday.”

Keeping fit

“Exercise is a major feature of most of my days. I aim to fit in a run or Pilates session as soon as possible after the show. On top of the physical benefits, exercise clears my head and gives me a second burst of energy for a productive afternoon.”

Fave TV shows

“I consider Seinfeld to be the greatest show of all time. I also binge-watch House Of Cards and The Crown. And I enjoy spending a lot of time on weekdays watching American cable news programs.”

Her hubby

“He is kind, handsome, bold, quirky, fun, warm and handsome. I’m so glad I found him. He is very handsome.”


“I sleep. And when I’m done, I spend time with friends and family. I also tick chores off the list early on a Saturday morning. It sets me up for a happy, guilt-free weekend.”

Her style

“My off-duty uniform consists of either activewear or a combo of jeans, T-shirt and blazer. I live in flat shoes when I’m not on the Today set. And I value my ugg boots above all other material items.”

Starting a family

“It’s something Pete and I look forward to in the future. But for now, we relish the roles of aunty and uncle.”

Her social life

“In the lottery of life, I have hit the friend jackpot. I’m supported by a beautiful bunch of mates, who fill my days with love, motivation and massive laughs.”

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