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Survivor’s Jennah-Louise: ‘Brooke’s controlling Sam!’

Jennah-Louise was tired of being ignored by the mean girls in Samoa, so when she was eliminated last night she breathed a sigh of relief.

Straight after that exhale, she hopped on the phone to NW to reveal what it felt like to be an outcast on the show and why she gave the rest of the tribe members the reality check they needed.

Did you feel certain you were going last night?

I definitely knew I was going home. I mean I’d known for days. On the day I was being eliminated, people asked me what I was going to have for dinner that night. It was more than obvious that I was going home. We got to the point where not many people were talking to me.

How hard was it having no-one talk to you?

It was very isolating and emotionally draining. When you’re an outsider, the game just becomes so much harder; when you have that support network it just helps you so much. I really wanted to play the game, and when no-one wants to play with you it just becomes incredibly frustrating.

You were often reminding everyone that they were playing a game for money. At one point, Lee even rolled his eyes at you. How did that make you feel?

Yeah, I was insulted. I just felt like everyone got to the point where they wanted me to stop talking. I just felt like I was spelling out the game to them and no-one was interested. And that was just really hard for me, because for me I went on Survivor to play, and I just felt like most people didn’t care.

There were some people in the game who could not win at all against others, and I think those are the people that needed to start thinking smarter. I mean, it’s not about friendships. This is about getting to the end, and winning.

The “mean girls” alliance is going to have to break eventually. Who do you reckon will be the first person to turn?

The next couple of tribal councils are going to be fairly significant in how the rest of the game goes. I honestly don’t know, that’s why I was screaming at everyone saying, “Make a move! Somebody! Anybody!”, because everyone has these tribal council faces, so I hope I’ve planted enough seeds for someone to make a move.

Hopefully you’ve planted enough seeds to break the “mean-girls alliance”. What was it like living with El, Brooke and Flick?

It felt like high-school. I think the game gets to some people’s heads, and the arrogance and over-confidence comes out. Unfortunately, it came out sort of towards me.

It must have been tough to trust anyone in that environment…

You really have to trust the people you’re in the alliance with; obviously as an outsider it’s a very different experience. I was essentially not placing my trust in anyone because no one was placing their trust in me, so I wasn’t as paranoid as the others. Towards the end of my game I saw the cracks start showing, and it’s definitely good to watch.

Speaking of cracks. Sam’s creating his own divide!

Sam’s an interesting one. I think Brooke influences Sam a lot more than Sam influences Brooke. Sam puts his hand up; he doesn’t really understand the game, he just went with the flow and that worked for him – it was very frustrating for people like me who wanted to play the game. I think that would have been Brooke’s idea to start making moves.

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