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The Bachelor’s Snezana Markoski reunites with her daughter after a whirlwind week

Goodbyes are hard but Snezana Markoski couldn't be happier to be back with daughter Eve after parting ways with her new boyfriend, Sam Wood.
Snezana Markoski with her daughter Eve

It’s safe to say that when Snezana and Sam became a couple in front of the entire nation, we were left feeling pretty emotional, but what about ten-year-old Eve, who encouraged her mum to join season three of the dating show?

After last week’s intense finale, Sam Wood and Snezana Markosiki were finally able to publically share their love – and boy, they didn’t hold back, but now the mum-of-one has returned home to her daughter and she seems happier than ever.

On Tuesday, the 34-year-old shared a happy snap with Eve on Instagram after jetting back to Perth following a steamy weekend away in Melbourne with her handsome new beau.

The selfie shows the doting mum cosying up to her only child, who is fittingly dressed as Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts complete with a red with and matching lips.

“Queen of my heart,” the Perth local captioned the sweet shot.

Despite the entire country being swept away by Sam and Snez’s love story – it was pretty clear that the Macedonian beauty’s mind hasn’t drifted far from home.

Snez and Sam flooded social media over the weekend with their loved-up selfies – but we’re not complaining.

In an interview with The Project on Friday, the science student revealed she won’t be moving to Sam’s hometown of Melbourne just yet.

“I still have my degree I need to finish in Perth and Eve’s in school still,” she said.

However, The Bachelor explained his potential new step-daughter was great at keeping their four-month-long secret, “Eve’s known the whole time, she was even interrogated by her school teachers,” he told the panel.

Eve may have to get used to her mum making quick trip across the country though, as it seems the Perth-based reality star loved every minute of her Melbourne romp.

Over the weekend, Snezana and Sam’s Instagram followers were treated to an array of loved-up selfies and intimate bed shots.

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However, there’s perhaps a dark cloud surrounding their very sun-shiny romance, with Eve’s father still in the picture and Snezana unwilling to answer questions about him.

In a rather awkward moment on The Project, Snez tip-toed around the question about what her ex thinks of the situation, responding with, “he’s okay.”

Her ex-husband Jason Rapoff caused some controversy recently when he spoke to the Herald Sun about his sordid history with drug dealing, which landed him in jail twice, as well as an accident that left him a paraplegic.

Don’t worry Parmigiana, nobody said love was easy – but trust us, it’s worth it!

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