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Simon Baker is still an Aussie beach boy!

Simon Baker is still an Aussie beach boy!

He’s a big player in Hollywood, but The Mentalist star never strays too far from his roots, or his “rock” Rebecca.

Back on Australian soil, his beloved surf breaking within earshot, Simon Baker is in the mood to let down his guard.

Perhaps it’s the invigorating Bondi waves, or that he can blend in as just another “local looking for the perfect break” – whatever the reason, the blond Aussie boy made good in Hollywood is elated about being on home turf.

And right beside him, as she has been since 1992, is the “rock” in Simon’s life, his beautiful wife, 43-year-old Rebecca Rigg, who put her own promising acting career on hold to spur on her husband.

While he’s normally very private, Simon’s face lights up as soon as talk turns to Rebecca.

“She is my rock,” he says. “She encourages me. She supports me in so many different ways. And at the same time, when I’m off working or out somewhere, she maintains our family. She is amazing. I certainly couldn’t be in the position I’m in without her. I’m so lucky.”

Back home to film a commercial for Samsung, it’s a very down-to-earth Simon who catches up with Woman’s Day.

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