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Seven Year Switch’s Kaitlyn: “They set us up to cheat!”

The controversial contender slams the show, haters and her co-stars.
Kaitlyn Isham

Kaitlyn Isham tells OK! the past week has been the “craziest” of her life, and given the reports that have come out about her, including that she was a webcam girl, has been in rehab, and was physically assaulted by her stepdad, it’s a pretty big call.

The Seven Year Switch contender 
sets the record straight and spills on show secrets…

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Kaitlyn on cheating

The Florida native and her Switch partner Michael, 31, have raised eyebrows with their flirtiness and the 28-year-old says she suspected the producers hoped they would cheat.

“When we applied they were like, ‘We are here to help you,’ but how are they helping [by] giving 
us just one bed?”

As for who she thinks is most likely to stray, Kaitlyn names Stacey Louise. “I have this weird feeling about [her], she is very sexy,” she says.

She’s not holding back!

…on being in adult videos

“There aren’t actually any sex videos,” Kait explains of her past life as a webcam star named “Mermz”.

“I was in a weird place and was trying to fill a void for attention,” she reveals. “I’m not proud of it, but that’s who I am and that’s part of my past.”

…on being assaulted by her stepdad

“It happened,” she says of being “punched in the face” by her stepfather Patrick Dabney in 2011.

“We have a really weird love-hate relationship,” she explains, saying all was forgiven “the next day”.

Kaitlyn with her partner Mark.

…on Mark’s embarrassment

Friends of Kaitlyn’s partner of three years, Mark, have said he’s furious that her past has come out.

While Kait admits he knew about “everything”, he isn’t happy.

“Mark cares a lot about his reputation,” she admits.

As for those wondering if she’s after an Aussie passport, Kaitlyn insists, “I’m only in Australia for Mark.”

Kaitlyn and Michael get into an explosive argument.

…on Michael

“Michael’s scary! He got so aggressive so quickly,” says Kaitlyn, who admits she went into “survival mode” during her recently aired row with Michael.

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…on Michael’s relationship

“He’s angry and sexually oppressed, because he and Felicity haven’t had sex in five months,” Kait says of the problem with her Paleo-loving Switch partner’s relationship.

For more Seven Year Switch goos, pick up a copy of OK! magazine on stands Thursdays.

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