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Scott Cam: Meet my gorgeous wife

Scott Cam: Meet my gorgeous wife

The loveable larrikin fell in love with Ann the first time he set eyes on her. They share their 22-year love story with Katherine Chatfield.

As Scott Cam opens the door to his home, his dog Rosie stands in the doorway and gives the Woman’s Day team friendly licks all round. Satisfied that Scott has given everyone the seal of approval, she pads softly into the kitchen, and dozes amid a scene of domestic bliss. Scott’s wife, Ann, is making everyone tea, while their children, Charlie, 14, and twins Bill and Sarah, 11, help themselves to seconds from the dinner table before loping off to do their homework. They’re in a hurry to get it done because at 7pm they down pens and watch Dad on The Block. “They like to watch it,” Scott smiles. “They try to get me to tell them what will happen, but I never do!”

The relaxed nature of the Cam family home is testament to Scott and Ann’s loving marriage. Ann normally keeps out of the public eye, preferring to concentrate on the hectic task of looking after her family. But as the couple approach 20 years of marriage, for the first time Ann has decided to open up about what makes her and Scott’s marriage work.

The couple has been together 22 years, and as they both curl up on the lounge, it’s clear they still love being in each other’s company. “We haven’t had much romance recently as Scott’s been away [working on The Block],” says Ann. “We might have an extra kiss tonight!”

Despite Scott being such a big personality, it’s clear Ann is the backbone of the tight family unit. Happy to let Scott shine, the petite blonde is certainly no pushover. Her striking looks and calm manner are what entranced Scott when they first met in 1989. Scott, now 49, had just returned to Sydney from travelling Australia working as a carpenter.“My father had passed away and I came home to stay with my mum for six weeks,” he says. “Some mates were playing footy in the Blue Mountains and I went to watch.” He spotted school teacher Ann chatting with friends and was immediately smitten.

Read more about Scott and Ann’s love story and find out their ultimate renovating tips in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale August 15, 2011.

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