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Sarah and Keelan check out of The Last Resort

The troubled lovers are also battling grief alongside their relationship issues.
Sarah and Keelan

For The Last Resort participant Sarah, her boyfriend Keelan’s drinking habits have been an ongoing issue in their relationship.

But as TV WEEK learnt, the 25-year-old has every reason to be concerned.

“My dad passed away from alcoholism when I was 17,” Sarah reveals.

“He was unwell, though [for a really long time]. He suffered from chronic pain after having a motorbike accident at a young age and, as a result, became an alcoholic to deal with the pain.”

Sarah admits it was hard to see her dad struggling when she was a child.

“My family upbringing, for the most part, was great,” she says.

“But growing up, that was always very hard to watch. Losing my dad was the biggest obstacle I’ve had to overcome.”

But this isn’t the only heartache Sarah has faced.

Sarah and Keelan on their first night on The Last Resort.

“I also lost my friend – who was Keelan’s best friend – to suicide,” Sarah says. “It was such a shock. He was the most loving person.”

Keelan says he’s still trying to come to terms with the loss of his mate.

“That was the lowest point of my life,” the 24-year-old says. “I miss him every single day.”

After losing two loved ones, the last thing Sarah and Keelan want to lose is each other too.

“Trying to keep my relationship strong has been a big obstacle for me,” Keelan says, adding he applied for the show to help get it back on track.

“We knew we’d get the professional help we needed. I’m not worried about what people think. Everybody has their own story to tell and this is ours.”

If you’re struggling and need someone to talk to, contact Lifeline (lifeline.org.au) on 1311 14 or visit Headspace (headspace.org.au). Visit Beyond Blue (beyondblue.org.au) or call 1300 22 4636. You can also contact the Kids Help Line on 1800 55 1800.

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