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Ridge Forrester’s past loves

Take a look back at the ladies that Ridge has loved over the years on The Bold And The Beautiful.

Caroline Spencer

Ridge’s first wife was Caroline Spencer. The pair married despite interference from Brooke, but sadly Caroline passed away from Leukemia, leaving Ridge devastated.

Taylor Hayes

Ridge’s second wife was Dr Taylor Hayes, who Ridge had met when she was treating his first wife Caroline. Ridge and Taylor’s marriage crumbled after he had an affair with Brooke.

Taylor, again

After finding out that Brooke’s daughter Bridget wasn’t his, but in fact his father Eric’s daughter, Ridge reunited with Taylor and the pair re-married.

Morgan DeWitt

Whilst married to Taylor, Ridge had an affair with designer Morgan DeWitt, resulting in Morgan becoming pregnant to Ridge twice. Sadly she miscarried their first child and had a stillborn baby the second time.

Brooke Logan

Brooke and Ridge finally got married in 1994 but on their honeymoon Ridge was lost and presumed dead. Brooke then fell in love with Nick and the pair got engaged but Ridge soon returned and wanted Brooke back.

Ashley Abbott

During his time apart from Brooke, Ridge had a relationship with Ashley Abott and the pair even got engaged. Unfortunately Ridge realised he still loved Brooke and went back to her shortly after.

Over the years Ridge and Brooke have been married quite a few times.

And again

Another wedding of Brooke and Ridge. They can’t stay away from each other!

Another wedding

Tribal themed nutpials. This must be wedding number 7 for the couple…

Katie Logan

After Brooke, Katie and Ridge fell for each other, with Ridge even suggesting marriage for the pair, but once again he was pulled back towards Brooke.

Brooke and Ridge forever

After months of back and forth (again!) Brooke and Ridge are back together after Brooke left Bill on the eve of their wedding.

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