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Rhom Jackie Gillies: ‘We’re having a baby!’

Rhom Jackie Gillies we're having a baby

Congrats may be in order as the reality star talks baby names and babymoons!

With all the pressure she’s been under to have a bub with her Silverchair drummer hubby Ben, Jackie Gillies hasn’t been herself in the latest season of The Real Housewives Of Melbourne.

And judging by her reaction to babysitting her nephew and goddaughter on last Sunday’s episode, it looked like kids were off the cards for good.

“It actually makes me sick changing a s**tty nappy,” the reality star rages before downing a glass of red.

But the 35-year-old had a huge surprise in store for NW when we caught up with her.

The feisty psychic dropped some pretty heavy hints that she might already be pregnant – and she’s thinking about baby names!

Yep, when asked if a pregnancy was something she’ll reveal this season, she tells NW, “You never know!” What’s more, she teases that her upcoming holiday to Croatia could be a babymoon!

As for names, Jackie adds, “I’d like to name my daughter after my grandmother Eva.”

Here, she spills to NW about having babies on the brain and her catty castmates…

Jackie, you got all emotional when your mum said she wants you and Ben to start the baby-making process. How are you feeling about it all now?

I’m going through a lot of pressure this year. I’m 36 in June, people keep asking me. I do want to have children, but will I be the best mum? Then you have a part of you that feels guilty and then I think, ‘You know what? If I’m meant to fall pregnant, I will.’ What else can you do?

So are you and Ben open to having a bub soon?

Yes, absolutely. I definitely want to be a mother. I don’t want to miss out on that experience – it’s just the pressure!

I understand why my mum doesn’t want me to leave it too late. We’re meant to give birth, it’s human nature. Now would be the perfect age to have a baby.

It seems like you’re planning on being quite a strict mum, judging by your babysitting tactics!

For me, it’s about making sure I’m as good a mum as my own mum.

Aw, it’s starting to sound like a pregnancy announcement could be just around the corner!

We’ve still got the reunion – you never know!

Ooh, so exciting! What have you got planned for the next few months?

We’re going to Croatia in June for eight weeks. I can’t wait to just swim and relax.

A babymoon, perhaps?!


Well, one person we can’t imagine will be invited to your baby shower is your RHOM castmate Lydia Schiavello. You guys seem to have really fallen out!

I don’t like it when people go from one friend to another.

And there are quite a few things off-camera that Lydia has done where she’s been quite malicious and someone had to call her out.

I can’t say much more at the moment but we’re not in the place that we used to be. I can’t stand someone who doesn’t tell the truth. And I don’t like to see people maliciously hurt someone for no reason.

Is she really like that?

Lydia is bouncing around from one person to another, she flirts and I don’t think what she does is right. It’s not for me to judge, but I will say that some of the things she does are very questionable, and I don’t want to involved in any part of what she’s done.

Lydia is the type of person to measure someone on their postcode, bank account and status, and I don’t like that.

Are you talking about the Shane Warne affair rumours? Is there more to come out?

You’ll just have to keep watching the show, darling. I don’t want to be involved in that yet. Watch this space!

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