*Rafters* star Allison Cratchley’s real life baby surprise

The actress was all ready to leave for LA when news of baby Diesel changed her mind. She talks to Jacqui Lang.

A prosthetic belly wasn’t required when Allison Cratchley agreed to play a pregnant lesbian on Packed To The Rafters.

By happy coincidence, Allison really was pregnant. And on May 9 — a few weeks after she completed filming her guest role in the Seven Network smash hit — little Diesel Alexander John Williams made his big entrance into the world.

“He’s the most wonderful baby,” Allison, 38, coos as she cradles him at her Sydney home.

Proud dad Paul Williams, Allison’s husband of nearly six years, is also delighted, and in more ways than one.

“It’s good to have another male in the house,” he says. “As much as I love our little girl, it will be great to have someone to kick the footy around with!”

Yes, but what about the name? Allison and Paul only came up with the moniker the night before Diesel’s scheduled caesarean birth.

“We just couldn’t agree on anything,” she says. “Then we were out at dinner, I looked at the writing on Paul’s shirt and said, ‘What about that? Diesel?'”

Problem solved.

“The rest of the family is still getting used to it,” she says. “My 94-year-old grandfather, a former diesel engineer, was a bit taken aback. He said, ‘A boy named after an engine?’ But they’re all slowly coming around.”

Allison readily admits Diesel was a “complete surprise”. She learnt she was pregnant as she prepared for a move to the US to try her luck in Tinseltown.

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