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Get ready for an emotional episode of Offspring

Prepare for all the feels.
Nina Offspring

Grab the tissues, because this week’s episode of Offspring is 
a genuine tear-jerker.


Not in a ‘character-gets-run-over, oh-my-God-they-died’ sort of a way. But in a good, old-fashioned, brilliant storytelling kind of a way.

My goodness, did I bawl.

Let me explain. Over the past seven seasons of the Aussie drama, we’ve endured 
more than our fair share of heartbreaking moments.

We’ve cried buckets over them 
with Nina (Asher Keddie) and the Proudman family. But this week, 
one simple scene does it.


It’s one that features all the Proudman women – Geraldine (Linda Cropper), Zara (Jane Harber), Nina and Billie (Kat Stewart) – sitting on a park bench that hit me for six.

And it’s not because someone has died. Or because something terrible happens 
in the episode. It’s because 
of what they talk about.

It’s the most remarkably real moment I’ve seen in Offspring. And it’s more than a little heartbreaking.


That’s because it could be any of 
us sitting in that park, assessing our lives. Because life isn’t always about fantasy dream sequences, and fairytale happy endings. Because sometimes it sucks. And sometimes, all you can do is sit on a park bench and admit that.

This might all sound quite ridiculous. But that’s really all 
I’m going to say about tonight’s extraordinary episode.

Although, it’s worth pointing 
out that both Billie and Zara 
have reached crisis point in their marriages this week.


To say more would be to ruin it. 
Just watch, and go along for the ride. And make sure you have some Kleenex at hand.

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