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My Kitchen Rules’ Court and Duncan have a bone to pick with the seafood lover

We don't like Josh.

When it comes to bad behaviour, Court and Duncan won’t have a bar of it.

So it’s no surprise that the married hipsters from Victoria can’t stand My Kitchen Rules villain Josh.

Revealing her first impressions of the 25-year-old who entered the competition alongside his wife, Amy, Court doesn’t bite her tongue.

“I was like, ‘Who even are you?'” she says of their first encounter. “To start with, I noticed the way he treated his wife and you kind of go, ‘Far out, that’s full-on.'”

That disrespect eventually trickled through to everyone.

“I found it mind-blowing and I hope he comes across on TV as bad as he is.”

Blowing off some steam, Court admits there was one particular incident which really rubbed her the wrong way.

“I heard him call Amy something really nasty,” Court, 29, recalls. “It went beyond a joke. But then, two hours later, you’d see them together and it was like nothing had happened. It’s like she’s used to it.”

Court’s hubby, Duncan, also refuses to hold back when it comes to telling us what he thinks about Josh.

“You could almost see it in his eyes when he was lining someone up – he’d get this glint in his eyes,” Duncan, 34, explains. “He needs to grow up a bit.”

So will Court and Duncan stay in touch with Josh and Amy once the show wraps?

“I didn’t get his number,” Duncan declares. “I wouldn’t hang out with him.”

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