Formidable reporter Murphy Brown, played by the incredible Candice Bergen, is back on our screens!
The Murphy Brown reboot is set to air on Channel 10 next week, and we’ve got the scoop on the premiere.

Candice Bergen and Hillary Clinton film a scene for Murphy Brown.
Yes, that’s Hillary Clinton in the photo above! Well, sort of. The former presidential candidate does appear in the premiere episode of the Murphy Brown reboot. Only she’s not playing herself.
She’s playing Hilary – one “l” – Clendon, who’s applying for the job of Murphy’s secretary. There’s a pointed joke about emails, but the guest appearance is pushing the very strong message that Hillary should have been President.
That’s the thing about this reboot of the 1980s/1990s sitcom about a respected TV journalist. It doesn’t try to be politically neutral.
It begins in 2016, with Murphy waking up to see her son Avery announcing on TV that Donald Trump has won the election.
She’s horrified. Although retired from journalism, she feels compelled to make a comeback. Next thing she knows, she has her own show – in direct competition with Avery, who has joined the conservative Wolf (get it?) Network.
The reboot brings most of the gang back together, including Faith Ford as Corky, Joe Regalbuto as Frank and Grant Shaud as Miles. Jake McDorman takes over from Haley Joel Osment as Avery.

The reboot brings most of the gang back together.
It feels right to have Murphy Brown on TV again. This is the show that got into a feud in 1992 with real-life Vice President Dan Quayle over Murphy raising her child as a single mum.
There’s comedy fodder galore in the current political situation. Plus, all the Trump haters could do with a good laugh.
Murphy Brown premieres Monday 26th of November, 8.30pm, on Channel 10