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Mother and Son Teaser: Maggie forces Arthur on a date

''Wanna date?''
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In Mother and Son this week, Arthur (Matt Okine) reveals to his mum Maggie (Denise Scott) that he’s got a date lined up.

Maggie, who is not a fan of Dee (Andrea Demetriades), is thrilled that Arthur is going out with someone new.

Her dream, though, would be for him to start a relationship with Maya (Catherine Văn-Davies), the friendly young woman who’s recently started working at the greengrocers.

Maggie is very taken with friendly Maya…

(Image: Supplied)

“Her family genes are incredible,” Maggie tells him. “And if forcing you into an arranged marriage will help you eat more fruit and veg, well, so be it.”

Arthur is planning to take his date, Rose (Jenna Owen), out for dinner. But he doesn’t want to leave Maggie on her own because she’s been wandering off recently.

His sister Robbie (Angela Nica Sullen) is too busy to keep an eye on Maggie, but she does buy a GPS-tracking dog collar for her to wear, telling Arthur that at least he’ll know exactly where she is.

And presses Arthur to go out with her.

(Image: Supplied)

Matt, who’s the series creator as well as the star, tells TV WEEK that the episode revolves around whether it’s ethical to track people.

“This is one of the episodes that feels like a really good example of how times have changed between the ’80s and now,” he adds.

Arthur’s date doesn’t start well, when he takes Rose to a barbecue chicken shop run by the eccentric Kenneth (Lex Marinos).

Arthur has a date, but doesn’t want to leave his mum unsupervised.

(Image: Supplied)

Things only get more chaotic from there. The following day, when Arthur is out shopping with Maggie, he starts chatting to Maya at the greengrocers.

She jokes that he should buy her dinner, and he says he will. But did she mean it – or not?

Mother and Son airs Wednesday, 8.30pm on ABC.

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