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Michelle Bridges: Meet my ‘secret’ husband

Michelle Bridges: Meet my 'secret' husband

The Biggest Loser trainer shows off her man, and tells LEIGH REINHOLD why she’s too scared to have a baby!

Every so often, The Biggest Loser fitness trainer Michelle Bridges steals a quick kiss from her husband and business manager, Bill Moore, and gazes adoringly into his eyes. Obviously deeply in love, with a super-successful fitness business, Michelle’s just-released The No Excuses Cookbook, a newly renovated house, a much-adored kelpie-cross-cattle dog and regular overseas holidays, these two are on top of their game.

There’s just one uncertainty in their otherwise blissful relationship – neither one can decide whether they should experience parenthood together. “I think that if I really wanted a baby, I could – I’m just very nervous about it. I think I’ve got ‘paralysis by analysis’ about having a baby,” admits Michelle, 41, borrowing a phrase from her best-selling Crunch Time books and DVDS.

“The problem is, I over-think it. My mum said to me, ‘I don’t know why you don’t just get pregnant! I don’t know why you have to think about this and think about that,’ and she’s probably quite right. “And if I wanted to have a baby, Billy wouldn’t stop me. He has always said if I wanted to, we could. But we did put a bit of a time limit on it.”

“Yeah, and it expired four years ago!” jokes Bill who, at 58, is already a father to two sons, Joseph, 33, and Luke, 29, from a previous marriage. Yet he says he’d happily be a dad again “if Mishy wants it”. It was 1996 when Michelle first met Bill at his gym, Balmain Fitness. She was the most popular fitness trainer he had ever employed, and in between classes she’d stop by his office for a chat. However, nothing romantic developed for quite a while.

Read more about how Michelle met Bill in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale January 30, 2012.

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