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Michael Turnbull reckons he knows who wins The Bachelor

Michael Turnbull not only revealed that former Bachelorette contestant Richie Strahan was this year’s Bachelor BEFORE the official announcement was made, but now he even reckons he knows who will take away the prize of Richie’s heart.

Yep, 2015’s Bachelorette runner-up likes to be a spoil sport, but this time he’s just speculating, because the identity of Richie’s lady is strictly in lock down!

“I know Richie. I know the type of girls he typically likes,” Michael blabbed to the Daily Mail on Thursday.

“I know he likes blondes and I know he likes tall, fit girls. Tiffany looks tall and fit. I think she is going to win,” he predicts.

Tiffany is a 29-year-old training administrator from WA, conveniently hailing from the same state as Richie. And Michael’s right about the fit part – she defs has a toned figure by the looks of her washboard stomach in the promo photo!

“I think she has better abs than Richie. Richie is going to have to pick up his ab game,” Michael joked.

Michael’s even predicted the runner-up ladies – adding that he thinks Megan and Keira will stay until the very end.

Maybe you should become a psychic Michael?

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