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Matthew Hussey’s dating tips: Take note The Single Wives!

And that's why he's the Single Wives dating coach!
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Want to make it past first drinks? The Single Wives love guru Matthew Hussey has been sharing with the world his brilliant dating tips.

And now we’re imparting the charming Brit’s knowledge onto you!

Here a 5 things that will make life… And love a whole lot easier.

Have you heard Matthew Hussey’s name out and about but you’re not too sure who he is? This should help!

Matt to the rescue!

1. Slow down!

Dates are nerve-wracking and it isn’t surprising that a lot of us out there can’t help but talk quickly.

Matt explains that while the nervous energy is a good thing (hello adrenaline) – speaking at warp-speed isn’t.

“You can lose your power. Nothing we say gets heard, and instead we just look anxious.”

How do you combat this?

Matt suggests, “Don’t be afraid to slow down. Take a sip of your drink or even take a moment to just look up at the person opposite you… And then look down again.”

Who are The Single Wives? Meet the stars of Seven’s new reality series

It worked for Ariel…

“You’re creating tension without saying a word.”

He explains, “When you allow moments to breathe like that, you show confidence.”

“You’re giving them the time to fully take you in.”

2. Let your date finish their story

This is an obvious thing, but it is very easy to want to share your similar story.


Take a moment to “make them to feel significant.”

3. You need to share information

It’s very easy to ask heaps of questions and then realise when you’re in the comfort of your own home, that you’ve told them nothing about yourself.

Reflecting on how The Single Wives dates went, he analysed that while the women were happy to ask questions, 3 out of 4 of the dates forgot to talk about themselves.

“You’ll find that you won’t connect if you don’t share!”

4. Be present

Who doesn’t like looking at their phone?

We can’t help it… But when you’re on a date, it really is important to not be distracted and to focus on the person next to you.

Leave your phone in your bag: Resist the urge!

“There’s nothing sexier than giving them your full attention.”

5. Stop trying to look perfect!

We all want to project our best self, but showing your true self is also important.

“Don’t hide yourself! People find it so sexy when you’re low-mantinence and care-free. It show’s you don’t need to be perfect and that’s so attractive.

Perfection is overrated… Be you!

For more Matthew Hussey magic, watch The Single Wives on Channel Seven!

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