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Married at First Sight – Who’s getting hitched?

These guys may require an unlimited bar tab at their wedding receptions, ’cos they’re going to need more than a sip of champers to get through this experiment.

Married At First Sight is back, with experts matching desperate daters with their scientifically suited soul mates.

But, as we know, the experts can be wrong (hi, Clare Verrall and Jono Pitman!).

This year the show will get its first gay wedding, too. We can’t tell you who’s marrying who just yet, but let’s meet the brides and grooms…


Traditional Nicole is looking for her Prince Charming and says she’s tired of kissing frogs.

After watching all her friends get married and have kids, the primary school teacher has put her future in the experts’ hands to help her achieve her goal – being hitched by 30.

Let’s hope her man says “I do!”


A tradie turned fashion entrepreneur who opens doors for ladies, Michael says personality is paramount.

He has a six-year-old son in New Zealand – anyone out there up for becoming a stepmum and a wife in one day?


This girl has confidence in spades and has a good bulls**t filter. But it’s not her with the issue – it’s all the timid tadpoles in the sea.

The banking officer says she comes off as intimidating and hasn’t met someone man enough to challenge her. Good luck, boys!


He’s covered in tatts from neck to toe, but Keller is a former Navy boy with a gentle soul. He struggled to find The One as his job took him away for long periods of time, but now he’s ready to plant roots.

He was raised in a family of seven foster kids and says when he gets married he wants to be with his partner forevs. We hope his match is partial to some ink!


Whoever ends up with Dave is gonna feel the heat. The sales manager dumped his ex because they “didn’t have enough in common”.

And he doesn’t want anyone who has kids. Any other requests, mate?


Mark is a fireman – and everyone loves a fireman! The hunk has only one request for the love experts – no superficial chicks who only care about hair and make-up.

Fair call!


We feel for the man who’s matched with Monica, ’cos she ain’t about that PDA early on in a relationship.

The accounts manager has seven siblings and is the only one riding solo, so she’s on a mission to stop playing 15th wheel.

Monica says she’s blunt and is usually the dumper, not the dumpee.


Sydneysider Craig blames his city’s fickle dating scene for his lack of lovers and has hit peak Tinder turmoil.

The hairdresser is looking for love after his decade-long relationship ended eight years ago, and he’s hoping for a faithful partner who wants kids.


It’s a case of career first for radio presenter Bella. She put in the hard yards working as her 20s slipped away from her, now she’s ready to make up for lost time.

Problem is, as her career is thriving on the Gold Coast, Bella could struggle if her suitor is interstate.

Anyone remember the little tale of country lad Mark Hughes and city chick Christie Jordee?


Party boy Andy says he’s struggled to maintain a relationship since his last one ended 10 years ago, but does he have one hell of a story – he used to be in the British Army, was in a wheelchair for a while after a hit-and-run incident three years ago and he suffers from facial blindness.

Cripes, let’s hope he’s able to recognise his partner!

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