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Married At First Sight recap episode four

We've got a runner!

Last night’s episode of Married At First Sight was certainly full of surprises. Here are three things we’re still having trouble getting our head around…

#1 What exactly did Debbie write on her application form?

Firstly, everything about Debbie and John’s wedding last night on Married At First Sight had us feeling very confused. Debbie and the producers seemed to be stuck on very different pages. According to Debbie, she had very clearly stated that she was interested in Islander culture and would like to marry a Polynesian man. That’s great Debbie, but it’s not quite how the show works. It’s not like Christmas where you ask Santa for a few things and you usually end up getting what you want. On this show, a team of experts try to match you up with a person they think you might be compatible with and sadly John, lovely though he was, didn’t tick the Islander box. However, WHY did they insist on letting her have a Polynesian themed wedding? After not fulfilling her brief of a husband – it seemed a little bit like rubbing it in.

#2 So much nervous laughter

John seems like a really top bloke. He’s got a beautiful family, a great personality – oh and also a kookaburra trapped in his throat. SERIOUSLY?! What was with that laugh?! On the scale of endearing to downright annoying it’s veering dangerously close to the latter end…

John wasn’t the only one with a bad case of the giggles. Runaway bride Lauren couldn’t stop laughing throughout the ceremony, the reception, every conversation she had the entire night. If she was clearly having such a good laugh, why did she up and disappear?

#3 The runaway bride

We did not see it coming. By the end of the reception it seemed like there was some good chemistry between Lauren and Andrew where as John and Debbie’s reception, no whole day, seemed like it was teetering on the edge of disaster. So what made Lauren run? We have a feeling there’s a lot more to this story than we saw… No doubt we’ll see Lauren’s side of things tonight!

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