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Married At First Sight recap episode 8

The couples attended their first Commitment Ceremony and things got interesting.

What an episode. Wow. Tonight’s instalment of Married At First Sight was baffling, to say the least. The experts revealed that the couples would be attending their first Commitment Ceremony, in which they decide if they want to stay and continue with the experiment or want to pack their bags and head home. But, there was a catch; a couple could only leave the experiment if both people choose to leave. If one wanted to stay then the other had to grin and bear it (or cry and complain, which is more realistic). Let’s break down the absolute shocks from tonight’s MAFS.

One wanted to stay, the other wanted to leave

Deb & John

Yes, you read that correctly. Deb decided that she wanted to stay in the experiment whilst hubby John wanted to leave. Huh?! We weren’t the only ones surprised by Deb’s decision, John was completely taken aback, having only moments before told the experts that he felt that his personality annoyed Deb and he was spot on. At every turn Deb has complained about most of John’s qualities, which she also did to the experts tonight when she listed off their completely different interests and the fact that she wanted someone from the “Polynesian Islands”. That sentence is honestly worse than Alene’s “The physical attraction – I wouldn’t say it’s there yet” bit. The experts basically told Deb that she needed to ditch the image of her perfect man if she wanted this to work.

To everyone’s surprise Deb and John are still in the experiment. Let’s see how this goes…

Jonathan & Cheryl

Again, another shock! Cheryl decided she had had enough and wanted out but Jonathan decided to stay, after receiving encouragement from Jesse and Nick earlier in the day. This did not bode well for an emotional Cheryl who dropped the news that Jonathan and Scarlett had spent the night texting each other. Cue judgemental looks from everyone, including the experts.

The experts asked Jonathan to fight for his wife, but his half-assed attempt fell flat with Cheryl, who stormed out of the room in tears. After the ceremony Jonathan had a change of heart and decided leaving was the best option and so they parted ways.

Goodbye forever

Michael & Scarlett

The only couple to both agree they wanted to leave was Michael and Scarlett, which came as no real shock. Scarlett had definitely not found her Prince Charming and Michael did not find the woman he wants to “build his empire with”, so they both left. But not before Michael interrogated the experts on why they matched him with Scarlett which pretty much went down like a lead balloon.

Stay with me

Nick & Sharon

After a rocky night at the dinner party in which Nick got sloshed and was sick once returning to the hotel, this couple’s future was up in the air. When Sharon brought it up at the ceremony Nick remarked “But you looked after me so well,” to which Sharon replied “And I don’t want to have to do it again.” Burn. Nick vowed to calm down which eased Sharon’s worries and they both choose to stay.

Jesse & Michelle

Twin sister Michelle was also unsure about her future with Jesse as she felt that his feelings had progressed but hers hadn’t as much. But Michelle was very logical and stated that she was “managing her expectations” so she was happy to stay and see what happens between them. Jesse seemed majorly relieved and happy.

Andrew & Vanessa

This episode gave us a chance to see where Andrew and Vanessa were at after little airtime over the last few days but it seems that we haven’t missed a whole lot. Andy finally spoke but his sentiment was basically “she’s loud, I’m quiet.” Ok… The experts encouraged Andy to learn from Vanessa in social situations and consider this an opportunity for personal development, but was Vanessa willing to help him do that? Vanessa decided to give it a shot and the couple both decided to stay.

Nadia & Anthony

The Commitment Ceremony showed a different side to Anthony, one which is extremely protective and old fashioned. The couple discussed how their family backgrounds were very similar and their “old fashioned morals” has made them close. But it was a little strange when Anthony remarked that in his mind “Nadia’s mine”. At first Nadia seemed taken aback by this comment, but she eventually told the experts that she liked Anthony’s sentiment, even though she is extremely capable, it’s nice having a partner to rely on. Both Anthony and Nadia decided to stay and seemed pretty chuffed about it.

Sean & Susan

Loved-up couple Sean and Susan both decided to stay which was always going to happen but they did raise a challenge which they have been grappling with: the distance between their two homes. Susan is based in Perth and Sean in rural Queensland. As a farmer Sean is unable to relocate, meaning Susan would have to uproot herself from Perth to follow her man to Queensland but she’s not sure if she wants to and that’s fair enough considering its early days for the couple. We still have hope that they’ll make it work!

Simon & Alene

The exchange between Simon and Alene during the Commitment Ceremony was touching as the couple held hands as they spoke to the experts. The topic of Simon’s hair was brought up as Alene remarked that she didn’t like it’s shaggy look, to which Simon remarked that he was the same person with morals and a good heart under all the hair. Quite swiftly Alene changed her tune and told him that he didn’t need to cut his hair if he didn’t want to. It was actually quite a sweet moment and we are so hopeful for this couple now as their chemistry continues to build.

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