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Married At First Sight recap episode 14

The husbands spend the week at their bride's home.

Tonight’s episode of Married At First Sight saw the grooms travel to their bride’s homes and spend the week settling into a different routine. How did the husbands fare?

Home, sweet home

Simon & Alene

Country Queenslander Simon travelled to suburban Sydney to spend the week with his wife Alene in her home, which just happens to be a granny flat at the back of her sister’s house. Talk about close quarters! Simon easily charmed Alene’s mum and sister, but the real test was her best friend Amanda. After an awkward start – where Amanda asked Simon every single personal question under the sun – Simon was able to win her over when he opened up about his health battle with epilepsy, which he revealed made him insecure when talking to women and in turn difficult to find love. The homestay proved to be a positive one for the couple and they are forging ahead without too much drama.

Alene and Simon are getting closer by the day!

Nick & Sharon

Victorian Nick travelled over to Perth to spend time with Sharon in her home and the trip only brought the couple closer. Sharon and Michelle’s mum Lorraine put both Nick and Jesse through their paces with a quiz about her daughters, but was able to see that Nick and Sharon’s relationship is coming along nicely. Sharon also surprised Nick with a visit to the spot where they got married, which proved to be a cute, albeit slightly awkward, gesture as they re-enacted their wedding, which only occurred four weeks earlier.

Michelle and Sharon’s mum Lorraine takes her quizzes seriously.

Shaky ground

Michelle & Jesse

Adelaide boy Jesse also spent the week in Perth with his wife Michelle. After getting off to a rocky start at the beginning, they were able to find some middle ground. Michelle’s fears over the marriage hung heavy over her whilst at home and she sought advice from mum Lorraine and close friend Jason. But it wasn’t all doom and gloom, as the couple were able to share a few laughs when Michelle dragged Jesse to the beauty parlour to get a spray tan, making him don a disposable G-string. It sure was a sight to see!

Jesse mid spray tan.

Nadia & Anthony

Sydneysider Anthony was less keen to travel to wife Nadia’s home in Brisbane because she has flatmates. Nadia tried her best to show her hubby around, including a trip to the pool where she works, but he remained pretty unimpressed. When Nadia rattled off some facts about the pool (granted, they were boring!), he replied “It’s a pool as far as I can see.” Come on, man. Feign some interest for your wife of four weeks!

Susan & Sean

Following yesterday’s heartbreaking episode where Susan labelled her and Sean “just friends”, Sean travelled to WA to spend some time with Susan on her turf. The couple were still affectionate, but the dynamic did seem a little different between them. Susan invited her mum Marilyn around to spend some time with the pair and Marilyn made it clear that Susan moving to Queensland would be an issue for her, to which Sean responded that he could put a granny flat out the back of his place for Marilyn. Susan laughed at Sean’s joke, but Marilyn was not impressed at all.

Susan’s mum Marilyn did not find Sean funny.

Thin ice

Vanessa & Andy

Gold Coast boy Andy went to Melbourne to spend the week with Vanessa and was introduced to her big Italian family through the best way possible: a pizza night. The dinner actually went along swimmingly and Andy was able to answer all of the questions that Vanessa’s family threw his way. Vanessa’s aunty even remarked that “he’s not quiet at all”, telling her niece that maybe she was being too picky with her husband. But, the trip took a turn when Andy blew up whilst at the park with Vanessa. Andy told Vanessa that he thought he was doing ok and wasn’t sure what else he could do whilst Vanessa said it wasn’t enough for her and she needed more. Vanessa later conceded that she felt terrible, saying she basically told Andy that him being him was not good enough for her and she felt terrible for inferring that.

Cheryl & Andrew

After an awkward homestay at Andrew’s place in Perth, Andrew tried to turn it around with Cheryl at her home in the Gold Coast. The week seemed to go pretty smoothly until the day that Andrew had to meet Cheryl’s overprotective, overbearing father, Hamish. The day started with a tiff between the couple as Andrew returned home late from the gym and it all went downhill from there. Within seconds of arriving in Hamish’s Sunshine Coast home, he told Andrew that he was “so small”. After a lot of banter which seemed serious and playful at the same time, Hamish told Andrew that he didn’t impress him enough and that he needed to change his clothes. Andrew obliged and changed into clothes he had in the car, but that wasn’t enough and we were left with footage of Hamish telling the camera that he is “just gonna break them up”. We can’t wait to see how this one plays out!

Hamish put Andrew through the ringer.

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