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Married At First Sight recap episode 11

Anthony’s dinner party antics were brought to light at the second Commitment Ceremony.

Tonight the couples gathered together for their second Commitment Ceremony where they decided if they wanted to stay or leave. All of the couples decided to stay in the experiment, which came as little surprise considering they are mostly moving forward. We break down tonight’s episode!

Alene & Simon

Following Simon’s drastic haircut, Alene’s feelings have grown in leaps and bounds, but she was worried about how Simon was feeling as he wasn’t being forthcoming. But tonight’s episode saw him profess how he feels, a tiny bit! After some encouragement from the experts, Simon told Alene how much he was enjoying their time together and that he looked forward to the future. He also slapped her on the butt with his notepad. He’s all class, that one!

Simon and Alene are slowly getting closer.

Andy & Vanessa

After a rough time the week before, this couple seemed much more settled and happy in tonight’s episode. Both Andrew and Vanessa felt that their relationship was heading in the right direction and wanted to see where it would go, so decided to stay. What else can I say about this couple? Not much unfortunately…

Jesse & Michelle

Following Jesse’s trip to the toilet in which he left the door WIDE OPEN, Michelle mentioned that she felt they had become too relaxed with each other, particularly when it comes to bodily functions. We hear you! Despite this, both Jesse and Michelle opted to stay in the experiment, but it is clear that Michelle is still having major doubts about her attraction to Jesse. When the experts asked how they felt they were going, Jesse commented that he felt it was great and it just kept getting better whereas Michelle’s answer was that the relationship had “a constant flow of goodness”. Ummm… is that code for just so-so?

Michelle is not so sure of her marriage to Jesse.

Susan & Sean

When it was Susan and Sean’s turn, the experts picked up on the fact that Susan seemed quite emotional. Susan opened up about her concern over the events that unfolded the night before and how she felt Cheryl had been “bullied” by some of the other contestants. Thank you! I’m so glad that someone actually called Anthony out on his unacceptable behaviour at the dinner party. Not only did he act like a complete control freak, but he was just downright rude. At this point Susan was in tears, Cheryl was in tears and I was getting teary at the whole thing.

Cheryl’s reaction as Susan discussed the previous night’s dinner party.

Anthony expressed his regret at making Susan so upset, as he felt they had a great connection as friends. “I got nasty last night and I overstepped the mark,” he said. He also went on to apologise to Cheryl. Was it genuine? That is debatable.

Poor Susan was very upset following Anthony’s actions.

Nadia & Anthony

Tonight saw Nadia question the experts on why they paired her and Anthony together. I don’t blame you, girl! The experts gave the usual spiel – you’re both very independent, a good match, balance each other out, yada, yada, yada. Nadia seemed (mostly) satisfied with that answer and decided to stay, as did Anthony.

Will Nadia stay with Anthony as he begins to show his true nature?

Andrew & Cheryl

The newbies officially moved in together in tonight’s episode and reinstated their position within the experiment following the atrocious dinner party the night before. Cheryl swanned around the apartment looking for a place to display a picture of her and her friends, whilst Andrew unpacked his fireman’s helmet, an odd choice but a conversation starter for the budding couple nonetheless.

As expected, both Cheryl and Andrew choose to stay at the Commitment Ceremony, as they expressed their happiness to have a second chance at the experiment with each other. Andrew was very complimentary towards Cheryl which was pretty darn cute.

Cheryl and Andrew are very playful with each other.

Nick & Sharon

After their run-in at the dinner party, Sharon voiced her concerns over Nick’s past behaviour of frequenting strip clubs. Nick stressed that this was his behaviour as a bachelor; he wouldn’t do this as a married man. Sharon’s comments that she can “predict someone’s actions by their past behaviour” was a bit rich, considering her past of cheating on previous partners, which she assured Nick she would never do again. That’s the pot calling the kettle black! Both decided to stay in the experiment. Actually Nick decided to “BLOODY STAY!!!”

Nick is very keen to stay in the experiment.

I can’t wait for tomorrow night’s episode, as the experts have upped the ante and are sending the bride’s on a visit to the groom’s home.

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