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The Bachelor’s Lisa tells: “The girls are pretending to like Matty”

Apparently things aren’t as, er, rosy as we think…
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And another one bites the dust!


Tonight, on The Bachelor Australia Matty sent Lisa Carlton packing, despite the fact pretty much all of Australia were convinced from the get go she had it in the bag back on night one.

You know, when Matty couldn’t take his eyes off her?!

But despite Matty and Lisa hitting it off on the tennis court, they failed to keep the spark alive without a second date.

Now that she’s out of the mansion, Lisa is spilling on the tea on what goes on behind closed telling NW that some of the girls aren’t actually big fans of Matty…


We didn’t get to see a lot of you on the show

Oh mate you’re telling me. I know! I think I was too boring.

But on night one we all thought you had the final rose in the bag.


Yeah it was pretty funny cause so many people were like, “Oh my god you guys are perfect for each other, he’s so into you, you would be the best couple.”

And I was like, “yeah you have to just keep watching” and in my head I’m like, “LOL you have no idea.” So it was pretty funny how some people just get this idea and fixation that he has ended up with me and I’m moving to Bondi and everything like that.

It must be difficult to have to keep up appearances that you are still dating Matty until the rose ceremony has aired!

Nah, I don’t find it hard, I find it kind of funny to be honest. But I guess with our social media stuff we have to make it look as though all of us are still in the running and that it could be one of us when it’s not. People are really respectful of the fact I can’t give away any information so they don’t argue much anyway, which is good.


But it’s not as though I was heartbroken or anything like that so for me talking about him is not a difficult thing.

Do you think it would be difficult for the runner-up to pretend that they are still with Matty when they are probably heartbroken?

Oh, of course! That would be really difficult and I feel for the girls. But hopefully now that there’s only two or so weeks left, hopefully her feelings will be different to what they were at the time [of the rose ceremony].


But, yeah it will definitely be hard for those girls that have had stronger feelings for him and you know have to talk about him in a positive way because maybe some of them when they left were like, “What the f**k?!” and kind of have a bit of negative connotations towards him and the show and could perhaps be a bit bitter about it.

But, because I didn’t have feelings for him, for me it was fine.

Did you ever have feelings for him?

It’s kind of difficult to say. I had one of the first single dates and, you know, we had a great single date and it was really fun but to be honest I got you know five-and-a-half hours on that date so I’m not going to say, “Oh I have feelings for you.”


I was very realistic about the situation that I was in and the whole concept of the show and I knew he was a great guy and had so much to offer and so many amazing qualities, but I just did not expect to not get a second single date.

We all expected you to get a second date as well!

I knew that ‘cause I got one of the first ones that I wouldn’t get anything for a while and that was fine. But then when the second single dates started coming I was like, “Oh surely one will be here for me?” And there just never was.


You basically only had half a date! Did Matty ever tell you why he didn’t give you a second date?

I got stitched up I swear. That’s the one thing I kind of wanted to know, why I didn’t get anything else and why I didn’t get a single date.

The ball was kind of in his court for a couple of weeks and he kind of did nothing with it and that’s why I was like, “well why am I still here?” I don’t want to waste your time and I don’t want to waste my time either.


Are you currently dating anyone?

No, no, no I’ve literally kept my head down since Bachie was aired, not that I was big on dating before I went to the house anyway. I haven’t even gone out for coffee with my guy mates because I don’t want to ruin it for anyone and make it look like I didn’t end up with Matty.

It’s been fun having people thinking I end up with him when really I don’t.

You also need to end up with a better tennis player.


[Laughs] Hey, he was actually a lot better than how they edited it!

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