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Liam McIntyre opens up about his mother’s health battle

Liam has revealed that his mum is currently battling cancer.
Liam McIntyre

Being back in Australia to play Dr Eli Nader in Pulse has been 
a “double blessing” for LA-based Liam McIntyre.

It’s meant he’s been able to spend time with his mother in Melbourne while she’s been having treatment for cancer.

“Hopefully, she’ll be alright,” the 35-year-old tells TV WEEK of his mum’s prognosis.

“Fight the good fight, right?”

Liam says now that he’s playing a doctor, his mum seems to think he must have some medical knowledge.

“She’s like, ‘What do you think? I mean, these guys 
have said this…’ [And I reply] ‘Again, I’m not qualified. 
I have pretended for a solid two months now. These guys 
have had 10 years or more 
of training, so I’d probably 
go with them,’” he laughs.

Liam alongside his Pulse co-star Claire van der Boom.

Speaking of family, Liam, who married actress/singer Erin Hasan three years ago, reveals parenthood might 
not be too far off.

While filming Pulse, he found himself getting clucky around co-star Silvia Colloca’s newborn baby girl.

“I’m a bit like, ‘Aww!’” he smiles.

“Hopefully in the not-too-distant future we’ll have a little McIntyre that 
will terrorise the world.”

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